Care Packages From Home

For the most part I can get everything I need in Seoul. For everything I can’t get here in this mega metropolis, I can rely on getting them in care packages from home. These packages are filled with the things I can’t purchase here. These little boxes (and sometimes rather large boxes) contain the things my wife and I sometimes crave. Things like Swedish Berries, my wife’s favorite candy or an issue of The Hockey News, my favorite magazine about my most-liked sport. Around Christmas time, these packages contain gifts, cards from family and homemade Christmas cookies from my mother-in-law’s kitchen.

Homemade Cookies

Yesterday, we received a package from our dear friends who are currently back in the States. This care package was filled with things they knew we would enjoy because of the time we had spent together. It had Pop Rocks because of my most-liked ice cream flavour from Baskin Robbins called Shooting Star. It had nice-smelling hand soap for my wife because she complains that she is unable to buy nice-smelling soap here. There was a “Get Smart” DVD in there because we love Steve Carell. There was a Yankee Candle for my wife because, let’s face it, those candles fall in the “epic winning” category. To top it all off, there was a recent issue of The Hockey News and a bag of Swedish Berries. A box filed with the things we enjoy.

Cindy holding a care package from friends

I’m able to buy pretty much everything here in Seoul. There is of course the rare thing I can’t purchase. Maybe it’s a good thing I can’t buy those rare things here because one of the best feelings as an expat living in a foreign land is receiving a care package from my homeland. I do enjoy what these packages contain but, what’s more important is the thought and love (and money) that went into sending these packages to me in my foreign home. If you have sent us a care package before, then I thank you. If you ever want to send one, they are always welcome.

Check out more pics here.

4 thoughts on “Care Packages From Home

  1. Thanks for liking my blog hike to Olmoti Crater. And ditto for this one here. As a full-time RV-er whose daughter-in-law forwards mail to, I know what a treat a box arrival is. Along with mail, there’s usually some good coffee, chocolate and fragrant candles, and a treat for my dog. While I can get all that stuff here, it just seems better when it comes as a surprise.

  2. I’m rather new to this expat thing…only on week two, but I am so excited for our air freight shipment to be released from customs so that I have access to those few items/products that just aren’t the same here. For now, that means my favorite kind of oatmeal and EAS Vanilla Whey Protein. 🙂 I can only imagine how glorious a care package will seem in a few months!

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